Sunday, September 18, 2011

Whats the difference between an electroboard and other brand smart boards?

Our local preschool (in NSW, Australia) wants to buy a smart board. 1 teacher insists that the Electroboard is the way to go because thats what all the schools use so it means the children will be more familiar with it once they move on to school. I feel that if the board works the same way as the electroboard then it doesn't matter what brand we get.

Also any advice about smart boards or interactive whiteboards and the cheapest places to buy them in Australia would be much appreciated.|||There are a lot of differences between different brands of Interactive Whiteboards. Some that are suitable for some ages of children are not suitable for others.

Promethean (ActivBoards) and the smartboards (that lot of people call electroboards) are the two most common brands in the market.

You really need to talk to people who sell both boards as it is service and support that will probably make the most difference to you and your school. IWBs like all technology will not always work as we want it to and you will have little questions that need answering. You should consider who responds to your questions the fastest, as in reality this will make sure that which ever IWB you buy you get the most value from it.

On 'what the children will be more familiar...' in general technology changes so quickly (ipads were not around much before 12 months ago) that what ever technology they will be using in pre-school, it will not be the same technology they are using by grade 2 or 3.

If you google Activboard and smart board you will find the list of people that you can buy from cheapest.

I hope this helps.


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