Friday, September 23, 2011

What are some signs that your cat is really smart?

Mine got all medieval on a strawberry and killed it. As soon as I opened the plastic container she was all over it. I think she is some kind of feline genius, because no cat I ever had recognized the threat that strawberries pose.

Survey: what are signs that your cats are smart?|||The ability to use an abacus, written and oral aptitude of Latin, the ability to communicate in both American and International sign language, proficiency in quantum mathematics, and the ability to catch the light from a laser pen.|||Dashing Geek, are you certain that this is a sign of feline intelligence or is it a cry for help? Has she (the cat) been psychologically tested? A cat scan maybe? Perhaps she experienced some sort of strawberry trauma when she was a kitten which she kept buried in her subconscious and is just now manifesting itself. Start watching for other subtle behavioral signs; such as : e.g., an overwhelming fear of the litter box, a disinterest in batting at Yamsters suspended from a string or other favorite toys, frequent bouts of licking or anything else you may suspect as unusual and especially anti-social behavior.

Oh, and if she can paint-- this is real geniuses , plus great therapy!|||Lol.. that's funny

I used to do the "laundry basket" intelligence test on my cats..

you put the cat on a bed, put a laundry basket over the cat (like a cage), near the edge of the bed..

Now, you quickly have to evaluate your cat's current attitude.. does it seem unhappy being confined to the "cage" (laundry basket).. if yes, then the test is on.. if it doesn't care, then this test won't accurately measure it's intelligence

the thing is, cats can easily push a laundry basket.. Can the cat figure out that if it pushes the basket over the edge a bit (it shoudl allready be CLOSE to the edge) then it can excape from underneath??

How quickly does it figure it out??

That's how I used to test my cats intelligence when I was young LOL|||Does your cat watch TV? Only dumb cats are able to watch TV. Since you call yourself Geek, I'm going to get technical on you. Dumb cats are able to watch TV because their "refresh rates" are down in the stupid human ranges -- 60-100. I saw on a PBS cat show that smart cats are unable to watch TV because the refresh rates are too high. I am not sure how accurate this is, but it is something.|||there is an old saying dogs come when you call them Cats take a message and get back to you...cats are very smart they just do everything in there own far as the strawberries go only the cat knows for sure on why she did what she did...|||If a cat sees something or a repetition of a movement and associates that with something it wants, then if he or she remembers it, that can be instinct. But, when they go beyond simple goals then I think they are bright.

We had a cat that would knock the telephone off the cradle when it rang.

We had a cat that pushed on the doorknob of an exit door when he wanted to go outside.|||My cat used to wake me up every morning at 3am by pawing my cheek. On morning I got tired of it and decided to ignore him. At 3am came the pawing and I squinted my eyes shut until, at last, he went away. Victory!

Or so I thought...

A couple minutes later I felt these ice cold wet paws slap the side of my face and neck, forcing me to shriek and sit upright. That little bugger had dipped his paws in his drinking water!

Psychotic genius cat.|||1) Knows where the laser light is coming from, but plays with it anyway.

2) Doesn't run into the same wall head first more than once.

3) Doesn't try to fight the dog, even if the dog's a pacifist.

4) Knows how to win fights by guile -- i.e. running close to furniture so the other cat runs head first into it. Repeatedly.|||wow you cat is a genius, their really smart when they tell you get off your lazy **** and take me for a walk, lol, yes you can walk cats, i even walk my rabbit,|||she doesn't like canned cat food.....she prefers homemade food with a variety of vegetables, meat, pasta and sauce, sometimes she looks at herself in the mirror.... I'm sure she thinks that I am feeding her too much.|||Cats train beings of higher (supposed) intelligence without being detected. That says it all.

Do I have slaves? No. Do my cats have a slave? Yes.|||they know that I hate em. so they make me sneeze. lil bastards|||She has successfully subplanted me as the favorite shedding creature in the house.|||When they know when you're talking about them and look at you or just turn their ears to you.|||you catch her reading the wall street journal, and she beats you at chess. oly out.|||she like to be petted with the remote to the tv|||It's worse that you think...

Your is a vegetarian...|||Of course~

Pets are smarter than humans!

Mind know the world NO|||Mine plays fetch, that is better than my dog would do...he never brought anything back.|||she pees in your shoe instead of on the rug

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