Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How smart are Golden Retrievers compared to humans?

I once heard they were as smart as 2 year olds but I don't know. My dog is very smart. Well?|||It has been scientifically proven that dogs are the equivilant of a 2-3 year old child in intelligence. They show the same reasoning levels, deception, comprehension, etc. While they can't count, they do know when there are a number of items are there and when some are missing. They are self aware as well.

As for where the Golden fits in I am not sure.|||No dog is as smart as a human but overall within dog breeds a Golden Retriever is highly intelligent and I'm pretty damn sure it's in the top 10 smart dogs.

Labradors and Retrievers are spot on, easy to train, good on-off lead, always there for you and will not leave any slops on the floor for you that is for sure!

All depends on how you bring a dog up but generally speaking the breed is smart.|||Well a Golden Retriever is smart but I doubt that they are smarter than a human...NO dog is...dogs are smart in their own ways. Golden's are pretty intelligent.|||GENIUS compared to some of the people who ask questions here on Yahoo answers

(asker of this question excluded from this comment)|||They can be very smart. It all depends on how and what you train them. Like helping dogs they have to know a lot.

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