Friday, September 23, 2011

How do smart students always seem to know everything?

They get almost everything right. How do they become so resourceful so quickly? A teacher assigns everyone a chapter to read, and the next day they seem to have already know everything from it. How do they learn so fast.Do they actually study real hard or are they just naturally smart?|||The answer is both. There are some subjects that click right away for me (like English, history, psychology, sociology, any liberal arts subject, basically) and there are some that I study my **** off for (like math).

The trick is to know which subjects you're good at and leave it at that, and which ones are your weaknesses, and then spend more time studying them.

Everyone has at least one subject they naturally excel at. Use it to your advantage.|||Yes there are students who can easily grasp materials after hearing it once. A student who invests time to prepare for the next day of classes can find very creative ways to learn the material. You can be your own advocate for learning how to study smart. Always take time to talk about the things that you are studying. Smart student will study hard and invest more time because they are continually rewarded with good grades.|||First off you have to qualify smart student. I am one of those that gets everything quickly but I am by no means a smart student. I could've pulled off straight A's in highschool but because I never did the homework, my grade would drop to a B or worse. I would only do well in exams.

And whenever I have to read something, I just get it. There is no other way to explain it. I see someone do a math problem, I see the steps they took, and I can just do it over again. No studying needed. Same with other subjects.

The trick isn't how fast you get something though, its whether or not you get there.|||Its because they're black.

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