Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What am I to make of a guy in a Smart car throwing a cigarette butt out of the window?

On my way to work yesterday while stopped at a stoplight, a greenie in a Smart car deathtrap for two flicked a cigarette butt out of his window. What is with you greenies? Are you not green full time?|||Disgusting and hypocritical. We marvel at this odd double-standard. Like people who eat cheesecake with a diet coke. It's a shame that they don't get the irony!|||Talk about bitter and angry--you are obviously bitter about environmentalists, and your uninformed stereotyping is a classic symptom of anger and/or low self-esteem. There are plenty of reasons to drive a smart besides environmentalism, just like there are many reasons to buy any other car.

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|||As for looks, I expect you have the smug, arrogant look of someone who feels better by putting down people with different values and priorities.

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thats funny|||Hypocrite!

...I love Smart Cars |||I would call that person a Democrat|||haha that's so hilarious! that person is one huuuge contradiction.|||At least he's not polluting the air with car fumes rather than cigarette smoke.|||That depends.

Was it regular, light, or non-filtered?|||You never know, he could have nicked that car!|||Have you considered the possibility of the smart car having been hijacked by immoral non-greenies?|||Moral: There are a$$holes among people of all political and social stripes.|||ha ha he is really dumb. Maybe he bought the car because they are cheap, and he couldn't afford anything more expensive because of his cigarette addiction! |||Some people are not "greenies" because they buy a smart car. Some people are only interested in the fact that it is going to turn heads and save them money on gas. My father for example drives a Prius and could give a hoot about the environment.

There is something called the Gee wiz factor when you have something that is new and not often seen it makes people say gee whiz.

hope this helps|||Why does anyone flick their butts out the window? Apparently the Earth is their ashtray......

I have heard that some don't like their cars to smell of cigarettes. I don't think I need to expand on this one......

In our present age of precisely knowing what smoking does, why does anyone still smoke??

That Guy: Cigarette filters are NOT biodegradable! They contain plastic which does not break down. Imagine what they do to the lungs?|||Wow, what a generalization!

All "greenies" aren't dedicated? He's not actually hurting the environment by killing himself. What I want to know is why being environmentally aware has a bad connotation. Is it a bad thing for people to want our world to be as healthy as possible? I don't think very many people understand that no species lasts forever. What makes people think this is THEIR place to destroy? Don't be greedy. Don't assume you have whatever room you want to destroy the world because you won't be here 150 years in the future.|||He's schizophrenic. |||idiots.

=)|||omg! totally lol! i loled at so many of the responses especially cheree K.

theres a real possibility that some of those are true. lol.鈾モ櫏 |||Mince meat !!|||Cigarettes are bio-degradable over a very short period of time.

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