Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I want to be smart and Handsome so that any girl can fall in love with me. How should i develop the skills?

I am 18 %26amp; single. And i want my personality to be smart, handsome and attractive so that any girl by looking at me must fall in love. Give so useful tips regarding my improvement. Thank u!|||I think you should start by getting self confidence kid...

Asking girls on yahoo answers ''what can I do to make you like me'' doesnt really show confidence...

girls like confidence, no matter what you are...|||Sorry but...its almost impossible to get 'any girl' to fall in love with you.

Just concentrate on things other than football, cars and porn :)

But more importantly be yourself...you cant change who you are. However guys with a good sense of humour are the most attractive in my opinion :) As long as you have one of those and are generally a nice person then I dont think looks should matter at all :)

Good luck x|||HAHAHAHA!!! Just because you come off as smart and handsome doesn't mean "any" girl is gonna fall for you. There are plenty of girls out there that aren't going to be attracted to you no matter how handsome and smart you are.

Just be yourself. Go to college and get an education. Dress nice and not like a slob. Treat girls with respect and I guarantee that someday the right girl will come along. |||well you cant take a course to be handsome but to be smart you just gotta explore diiferent asspect of life. by the way women donnt fall in love with clever men they fall in love with a man that has sense and is able to understand differences.

hope that helps|||nice, thats what i said to myself when i was 18.

im not going to tell you as i think it is best for you to develop the drive and will to succeed. as learning yourself is the best way forward.

tho heres the hint: "basic"|||To be honest i think you should just be yourself!

If a girl is to lame to not like you as you are then that says something huh?

If you can't be you who can you be?|||all that u want just live it be more exciting dont hesitate to talk to people. keep ur head up never down dress the part and continue ur education mad girls in college and even if u dont follow the crowd make ur own crowd|||Start by getting a clue. You sound like a total puppy.|||its just an attitude change. you don't have to be super smart to win a girls attention. just be yourself and make smart choices|||Have an additude of confidence! Act like what ever you do is the right thing!|||be yourself

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