Friday, September 23, 2011

What are the best classes to become money smart?

There are so many kinds of classes and I want to know which will help me know how to spend my money and when to invest or save. I mean there is accounting, economics, finance, business, marketing... I'm not majoring in anything like that but for one of my electives I want to take a class that will help educate me in how the system works and smart things to do. Any information you can give me would be great! Thank you so much!|||Curious, Some of the best classes are the informal ones. I learned more from sitting in a room listening to 2 marketing experts talk for 2 hours than I did in 4 years in college.

It's about street smarts. No one is going to tell you how they make money online. At least they won't tell you the stuff that works RIGHT NOW.

They will simply piecemeal out bits and pieces of things they have used in the past that were semi-effective and produce less than favorable results.

The url below my signature is to a practical info on the system and how it can serve you to make the money.

As far as managing and becoming money smart, I recommend a personal finance class at any community college.

Duke F

Web Marketer/Developer

Find out the 5 big mistakes

to avoid when starting an

online business!|||A finance class is probably going to give you the most practical information about managing your own money.

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