Friday, September 23, 2011

Why do smart people rationalize illegal activity such as pot use?

I know all the apples to oranges comparisons about alcohol and cigarettes being far more dangerous, etc. But, why do people who have holier than thou ideas about 'The Illegal War in Iraq' %26amp; topics of that nature feel that something that IS illegal is okay just because it's not heroin or meth?

Illegal is illegal %26amp; the ramifications of the poor people who are left in the wake of any illegal drug's growth %26amp; distribution, is truly horrific.

How do smart people justify what on its face is an illogical argument %26amp; why does pot have some special distinction?|||You have it all wrong. They are not smart people.|||i'll try to be as short as possible. illegal=against the law, law was made by the king and barons (originally) so they just don't want you to use it, they want you to work as hard as possible, while they use it.

because it is illegal... so it is in the black market then there is what you called horrific.

for example, alcohol was illegal in the united states during the 50's, then there was this called mafia, killing in the street etc etc... horrific isn't it?

now days? because it is no longer in the black market, is there any such thing?

heroin and meth is produced by man, process. while marijuana is God given plant.

if marijuana made legal, i'm sure there will be no horrific accidents

Smart people rationalize illegal activity such as pot ...because they know it shouldn't be illegal but powerless against the law.|||Yes, the government outlawed it, but see if you respect the government when they take over the banks, allow the police to enter your house without a warrant, take away your 1st amendment to bear arms and they being as corrupt as ever. The corrupt people in the senate and congress who don't pay their taxes, run around with ladies of the night, allow the men on wallstreet to bomb our economy. Illegal, illegal, illegal. Please watch the news and see the condition of this country. I haven't smoked pot in year's, but what's going on today, I might change my mind someday.|||just try it and find out why

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