Friday, September 23, 2011

How to talk to a smart guy/ say intelligent things?

I like a guy and he's really, really smart. I'm not as smart but I'm not an idiot either. I'd just like to be able to talk to him about intelligent subjects and impress him. We're already friends and I feel fairly comfortable talking to him. I just need intelligent things to say.|||Don't try too hard, be yourself. You don't have to be super smart to be with him, if he is worth it, then he should love you for you.|||Well, being an idiot isn't the problem with him. He already likes you as he is your friend. You must know enough about him to converse on topics that interest him right? Wise up to that fact and exploit it better and break into other topics when you have a feel on his stand, ideas, and perspective. You can disagree but it is on how you do it so it appears you have some backbone too. No body likes someone who keeps wallowing on their opinion, thoughts or ideas just to impress. Have an opinion but know why and to what degree you want to discuss it.......|||Trust me, you don't need to worry about that sweety.

Just ask about what he's interested in, you don't need to look like something you're not.

In reality he'll probably be more attracted to someone who's real en lieu of someone who emulates a profound intellectual prowess.

EDIT: Oh and, protip if you don't know about a subject do not feign knowledge, just ask him to explain. He might be the type that enjoys teaching.|||You don't want to go spewing random facts or claiming to have read a certain book if you have no real thoughts on the matter.

If you want to have an intelligent discussion with him, wait for a prompt to bring up an issue that you really do have opinions on, and you might get into a very enjoyable debate! Just be yourself (though I know how hard that can be) and don't pretend that you're something you're not. He'll like you better as long as you're genuine.|||Well, I think you should be yourself. If you do want to impress him, talk about politics or something. I think you shouldn't try to impress guys because most of the time they can tell when you are, and it makes them a little uncomfortable|||just be urself and don't feel like u have to be this girl genius i'm pretty sure he likes u the way u r and would find it a little strange if u went all super genius on him. i mean HELLO he is ur friend right and u don't talk all technical with him|||i try to write the answers your problem in my blog you can see any problem in my blog or in my business blog|||Be smart. Read a book. Read the newspaper.|||So, heard about hillary clinton?|||talk about hisory or somethin idk just be urself|||Just be yourself! Don't try to impress a guy, he should like you for you. I hope this helps.

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