Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to become smart and avoid making stupid mistakes?

There's always a time when I do something stupid which embarrasses me in front of everyone. I would love to be seen as a smart and confident person. How do I achieve this?|||My best advice, slow down. All the dumb things i've done have been the result of me acting too quickly, or not thinking about what I was about to say/do. Slow down, think a bit more about how you will react to a situation, or what you will say etc. Think up a few options, chose the wisest one.

That's about the best I can offer, it's definitely helped me :)|||Learn from them and take other peoples' advise when you get them.

Please answer mine:

http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110603015812AAqEe6T|||you cant

we are all human

if we didn't make mistakes then we wouldn't be human. :)|||you become smart by making stupid mistakes and learning from them. by the sound of it your going to become a genius.|||Read.

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