Sunday, September 18, 2011

How smart do you feel when you post tin foil hat when someone tells you 9/11 was a staged terror event?

I was a staged event, just like the 7/7 bombing, the Holocaust庐 shooting, the Major Haasan shooting and the Columbine shooting. All staged events meant to condition the goyim to give up their rights and except a police state.

How smart do you feel when you post tin foil hat nonsense when someone tells you 9/11 was a staged terror event?|||I am not sure what you are asking..

But if I knew then I would answer..

I feel pretty smart right now..

P|||You know, goy isn't always used by Jews negatively. Most times, it is used with neutral connotation. Anyone can be dumb: There are Dumb Jews, Dumb Americans, Dumb Asians, Dumb ...., you get my drift? So, in a certain persons case, Dumb Goy means Dumb [someone who isn't a Jew]. At least, that is how most Jews will use the term.

Anyway, I totally abhor your idea that these events are part of some big conspiracy. It mocks those who have died, and those who are fighting to make sure events such as these don't happen again. I don't feel smart, since I know I'm smart enough to see these events as what they are, and not make up some stupid conspiracy theory. I feel angry, and sorrow, instead.|||I don't post tin foil hats, but I am smart enough to know the difference between "except" and "accept".

Wouldn't normally be picky about that on a site such as this one, but if you are going to proclaim such nonsense, anything goes.

And there goes that dumb Patriots911 site again. I guess it never occurs to any of you that some of us might know some of those people you are wrongly attributing truther status to and using their words out of context. No shame--as long as you sell your videos, eh, Hector?|||Why lump in holocaust denial and the rest?

-because that is what you are trained to do.

Heaven forbid that you actually thought about 9/11 for yourself.

Look at all these people who you call tin foil hat wearers,

if you dare.

It will shock you to learn (they're not going to tell you on FOX) that every single independent expert who expresses an opinion knows that the buildings were demolished, and the airforce stood down, and that no plane hit the Pentagon,

As Hitler observed;

"It is fortunate for leaders that people are so stupid"|||Just a tin foil hat point and laugh? Not too smart...

What really gets my juices flowing is responding to the truthers with evidence and damning scientific skepticism, under which they fall apart like a house of cards.

Assuming you're being facetious with this question, you may already know of this site:

For all your Truther-Lie stomping needs.

Also, RKowns' youtube channel:鈥?/a>

His stake-through-the-heart debunking of the WTC 7 collapse conspiracy tripe....I do love that one.|||I'm not sure about all the incidents you've mentioned, but there is sufficient reason to doubt that 9/11 was a terrorist act.

People use the you're "crazy", or you're a "nut" arguments as a way to shut others out. They are the ones who should be questioning their blindness towards certain issues. The 9/11 theories, or the JFK theory are quite legitimate. Society should learn to question rather than accept.|||about as smart as you look....

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