Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Would it be smart to compliment a girl on her nails?

I think this girl is cute but im scared to talk to her. But would it be smart to compliment her nails?|||ehh guys dont really notice a girls nails compliment her outfit or her smile|||Yeah that's fine, as long as they are painted up nice, you don't want her to take it the wrong way if they are chipped and gross and she'll think you're being sarcastic.

But if you have the guts, you could compliment on her smile or her laugh or her eyes while being totally serious, us girls are suckers on that stuff.|||Girls love being complimented on their nails.To girls, their nails are very important. Ask her where she had them done. If she did them herself, she'll be flattered, and if she had them done at a salon, she'll still be happy because they are being paid attention to. Women love that. Hope this helps!|||Well if they are painted or there's something done with them, then yeah, say it, but if they're just regular then don't 'cause it'll sound odd, but no it wouldn't sound gay if you complimented them, girls would love for guys to notcie those little things they do.|||yea if her nails are painted nice and not chipping then yea but do really make such a big deal about it because talking about nails and where you got them done is more girl talk or gay guy talk but just hey cool nails or something like that would be fine|||If she has them painted, tell her that the color looks good on her. If she has like French nails, say that they make her look more mature.

Best of luck ! =D|||um its weird cuz your a guy talking to a girl about her nails!?..

just say she looks really pretty if you want to complement her!|||That doesnt soud gay at all. be like "i like your smile" while your walking by with your friends and whatnot. or her eyes. :]|||yeah but i kinda sounds a little gay and like ur looking to closes so say something about her hair|||well if they're painted a pretty color, then yeah that would be nice :)

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