Friday, September 23, 2011


what have you done out of these

got held back a grade

skiped a grade

normel did all the grades

are you in a special ed program

are you in a advansed class.

i got held back in 3rd.|||I skipped kindergarten because I was reading at a 3rd grade level or something.

Went to private school through to the eighth grade. Classes there were taught one year ahead of grade level (i.e. the fourth grade used fifth-grade-level schoolbooks). In seventh, they wanted to skip me two grades and put me in high school, but it was decided that my emotional maturity was better suited to a daycare center or loony bin, so I stayed where I was.

After graduating middle school, I moved to a public high school. There, they first stuck me in the honors program (which sucked... just a more tedious version of regular schooling, i.e. for homework, instead of 20 stupid, repetitive math problems, we had to do 100). Then they gave me an IQ test and stuck me in the gifted program (lots of fun; totally different teaching method that employed lateral thinking and creative problem-solving, as opposed to rote memorization and mindless drilling. Instead of homework, we got projects.)

I fell into a bad crowd and skipped class constantly. I flunked the ninth grade because of practically nonexistent attendance, so the next year they stuck me in the dropout prevention program, which was basically being taught at a retard level. Somewhat ironically, but understandably, I dropped out at age 16 and got my GED. Went straight to community college, placed into the honors program there, never finished a degree, and now I'm a housewife.

:-)|||normal, did all the grades. except that i was supposed to graduate '08 for college, and now it looks like i'll be graduating '09, or even later.|||advanced classes I am a doing advanced seventh grade math in sixth grade|||i got held back in kinder. then i skiped 5th grade, and went to sixth. then i got held back agin in 8th grade.|||i'm taking all AP.|||I spent an extra year in Special Education pre-school. A bit later on, I spent most of my school day in a LD Special Ed classroom, but was mainstreamed into a regular classroom by the time I was in third grade. From there, I would go to the LD classroom for particular subjects, then later on, for one class period (in Jr.High). In high school, I was "monitored" by my Special Ed instructor and occasionally used the classroom if I needed extra help or extra time on an exam. Other than that, I attended regular classes. By the time I was a senior in highschool, I wasn't really using the resource room, but would drop by to see my instructor once a week or so to let her know on how things were going.

In college, I used the disabled student services for taking my tests. However, I found that it was a hassle to have my exams be sent in time to the building, and I was finishing (and doing very well) on my exams during the regular alloted time slot. So, during my Junior year of college, I stopped taking my tests there, but told myself that if I found myself really getting into trouble because of not being able to finish exams, I would go back. I never went back to the facility. :) I graduated from college in 2005 with a 3.45 GPA, and I have plans to attend graduate school in the next few years.|||I was held back in first. I had the option to skip in 6th but I didn't. I stopped going to school in 7th grade and so flunked 7th two times, was given a social promotion to 9th, flunked ninth because of non attendance. Didn't graduate highschool Eventually went on to college and got my bachelors.|||I was in normal classes all the way through

In maths for yr 8 and half of yr 9 I was in the advanced class.

For Yr 11 I did foundation maths which was the lowest maths you can do and still be included in the VCE. I did this because in yr 10 I didn't get what I needed to do math methods from the teacher who was the type of teacher who knew his subject but not how to teach it.

Math methods was mainly based around algebra and equations, I never understood volume and still don't.

Sorry if most of this stuff doesn't make much sense I'm in Victoria, Australia.

I also never actually completed any of the certificate courses I started, I'm hoping to go back next year or semester to complete one of them or more|||I did all of the grades normally. In third grade I was put into special education for a learning disabilities, and spent my time in a class just for people with LD. There i spent A LOT of time learning to spell, and multiply and other things that require rote memorization, as well as study skills and learning strategies. Then I went to a normal junior high, where they gave me an IQ test, and decided I was gifted as well as learning disabled. I took AP math until 10th grade. To much homework involved. I did however continue to go to the 'resource' centre for tests and exams, and extra help with writing and study skills. In high school I took AP psychology, AP sociology and AP political science (I'm a social studies kind of person) I also took AP Instrumental Music (Really "hard" band) and AP French language arts. I continued to go to the learning centre for tests, and to get extra help with note taking, study skills, self advocacy, learning strategies in general. I graduated high school with a duel diploma with honours in french and English (I took 50% of my program in the french language. I did math in french, social studies in french, career and life management in french and french in french). I am now living with my fianc茅, and the wto of us are raising my youngest sister, and I am going to university to become a special education teacher, so I can help others they way mine help me :)|||i got

i got held back in 3rd and 5th|||i am normal i havnt been asked to skip or gotten held back. usually i am in the second or third highest class out of 4 everyonce and a while i am in the 1st i am not in AP (tag) or specail ED|||normal did all the grades|||kindergarten- got put in a special ed program because my teachers thought I was retarded. Delayed in speech development, and low in cognitive abilities, to be exact.

1st grade- went back to "normal" education.

2nd grade- I skipped third grade because I was reading at a 5th grade level, and doing math at a 4th grade level.

high school- all my classes are either honors or advanced placement. My math and science classes are accelerated, and I'm taking classes at the community college.

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