Friday, September 23, 2011

How can I be an intelligent and smart person?

I want to be intelligent and smart but I don't want to end up being a nerd. I want to still have fun, so any tips or suggestions?|||I agree with everyone else here. Be yourself, don't compare yourself to anyone who may be 'smarter' than you. First thing is to realize you are not going to know everything, but you can be more and more knowledgeable by reading up on various topics and having a real interest in learning. I also heard doing a crossword puzzle each day for two months will improve your problem solving/critical thinking skills. Also to keep your brain sharp, diet is important too. Make sure you get enough omega-3s (particularly DHAs) each day from either fish or supplements as well as blueberries. And take a folic acid supplement...I've found all this helps me stay focused and improves my memory. You also can try this website out too if you have the time and money.|||forget these labels about intelligent or nerd etc. just try your best that's it! you're thinking too much about it lol|||Be yourself, but, keep your brain stimulated, do puzzles, read, get interested in something you like and find out all you can about it. It is a great way of keeping the old grey cells working and you will find that learning about anything is quite addictive. Do an evening class in whatever interests you and above all, ask questions until you are satisfied with what you know. Good luck.|||Sweetheart be true to yourself {It's harder to pretend (and the lies can become a jumbled mess that are just too much effort to deal with)}.

And if you are a nerd, come to me! Jk ;) .... Nerds are supremely sexy. If you haven't noticed/searched through the topics containing "Nerd" on this site, people seem to digg geeks.

Just do what you want to do... and certainly do not view intelligence as an offense.

No worries|||I'm "alternative," as in i dress what most people would call emo or goth... but I still keep up my grades. Don't worry about being called a nerd, being smart won't change how people look at you.

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