Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How do I become smart enough for school?

I really want to go to a four year university but I feel that I'm not smart enough to succeed. I completely failed my SAT (even though you can't technically fail, I consider it such because they are a record low).

I don't believe that I'll be able to keep up with my peers because I'm below average intelligence. I know that motivation and hard work helps with success but it doesn't when you're a moron like I am.

Should I even attempt to go to school or is it too unrealistic for me?|||Everybody has the capacity to be academically intelligent. First, stop calling yourself a moron. Pick up a book and start from there. I know a lot of quote unquote "idiots" who go to university. Its certainly not unrealistic for you, if you're not a senior, then keep tryin with the SATs. Even if you feel that you haven't gotten a good score, there are plenty of universities in teh world that do not require SAT scores. You can do it if you put your mind to it. Good luck!|||Stop believing that you're a moron. Intelligence isn't set in stone. You can become more intelligent if you really want to. Be confident and determined to succeed. Do your best to learn, and your best will get better. Read books and listen to people who know what they're talking about. Believe!|||Always try. Hire a tutor. Take an SAT prep class.

Don't write college out! I increased by math SAT score by 120 and am at Smith College now. Definitely keep working.

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