Friday, September 23, 2011

How can you test how smart a fish is?

I have to do a science fair project and I wanted to do one testing 2 types of fish on how smart they are... Does anyone know how I could test how smart a fish is?|||with my tropical fish they wait at the top of the tank every morning at 5 to be fed they seem to know when 5 is they don't do it any other time just dead on 5 o'clock|||well if he acts like he has no room like on the wall but has a lot of room then its retarded my goldfish 6 in. is not smart at all, hits other fish i guess doent even look or east a plant that 3 inches long yeah my fish isnt so i dont know make observations?|||How long do you have for this?

Most aquarium fish can be conditioned to respond to some stimulus such as taping on the tank three times right before you feed. But to show different fish's ability to learn this, would require you to set up three tanks. One for one breed, one for another, (dumb vs smart) and one control.

And it will take a few weeks to give them time to either learn or not.

Do you get the discovery channel? Myth Busters just did a show where they made a maze and tried to train the fish to run it. but that was rather involved. The feeding thing would be easier.

Oh and to the person who posted "fish have a three second memory." Ok, so tell me how salmon manage to remember how to find the EXACT spot, in the EXACT river they were spawned in? After living for several YEARS in the ocean?

Yes the theory is smell, but they still have to remember WHAT smell don't they? Come on!|||Scientsits found that common goldfish is much more smarter than dolphins. But I cannot find the exact website for this piece of information. Sorry about that.|||the fish has a 3 second memory|||my fish have recognised feeding time(before food is added), they can follow your finger slowly on the glass and they can follow water droplets and things outside the tank, the only fish which really proved this to me was my freshwater angelfish, many fish just act on basic instinct and are seen as smart eg: khulli loachs and access every nook and cranny in a aquarium, but are not intellectualy smart.

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