Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How can the smart one be funny?

I've lately been working on a comic series, it's that typical dumb guy, smart guy sort of thing. Though it's been a bit of a hit, the dumb guy seems to steal the show, as you may expect. I need to smart one to be just as likeable at the dumb guy - but how?

A good example of this is Sam %26amp; Max. Sam is my personal favourite, even though he is the smart one - though I know of plenty of people who favour Max.

Any tips?

Thanks for your help!|||Hey

Good stuff mate you are funny keep them coming your a star ha ha ha|||The smart guy must never tire of trying to help the dumb guy , make every effort to simplify beyond any possibility of mistake any task he sets out to do with the dumb guy . of course the dumb guy will reassure him that he's knows exactly what to do before following his instructions perfectly except for one minor detail - its the wrong house - or car - or person ?|||Well, there's a distinction between "likable" and "funny." You might be able to make the smart guy funnier by making him LESS likable - for example, by giving him a grouchy or sarcastic streak. But this is trite and overused.

A better idea might be to give the smart guy some kind of goal or dream of his own; jokes tend to flow pretty well out of those. If the smart guy wants to discover alien life, or start a rock band, or be a star quarterback, you suddenly have a lot more material.|||Even smart people can have foibles we can be amused by. Generally, I'd assume the smart guy's 'funniness' is in verbal adroitness, wise sayings, etc. He can be likeable by the very fact he puts up with the dumb one, with endless patience (but with wry comments making it clear he's well aware his friend/partner is unbelievably stupid).

Jeeves and Wooster are a classic duo, with the smart 'servant' forever getting his asinine 'master out of problems of his own making. Jeeves's humour is subtle - no great one liners there, but rather oblique observations which often go over Wooster's head. (It wouldn't do to embarrass the young master by telling him what a clot he is.)|||Your dumb guy is normally called a stooge.

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