Sunday, September 18, 2011

If many Asians are smart then how come Caucasian people invented all our modern technology?

I have to agree, some Asians are VERY smart in my school (especially Chinese and Japanese people)

But how come Caucasian people invented all of our modern technology (MP3 players, laptops, cellphones, cars, light bulbs, etc)

My mom says it's because in America people get more freedom and get to think and be creative.

And that back then in Asia many people were forced to think one way and many smart people were squashed out by monarchies.

**Smart answers only please!|||Cell phone was not invented by a caucasian it was invented by Henry Sampson a black man.

YOU need to educate yourself and your mother:鈥?/a>

air conditioning unit Frederick M. Jones July 12, 1949

almanac Benjamin Banneker Approx 1791

auto cut-off switch Granville T. Woods January 1, 1839

auto fishing devise G. Cook May 30, 1899

automatic gear shift Richard Spikes February 28, 1932

baby buggy W.H. Richardson June 18, 1899

bicycle frame L.R. Johnson October 10, 1899

biscuit cutter A.P. Ashbourne November 30, 1875

blood plasma bag Charles Drew Approx. 1945

cellular phone Henry T. Sampson July 6, 1971

chamber commode T. Elkins January 3, 1897

clothes dryer G. T. Sampson June 6, 1862

curtain rod S. R. Scratton November 30, 1889

curtain rod support William S. Grant August 4, 1896

door knob O. Dorsey December 10, 1878

door stop O. Dorsey December 10, 1878

dust pan Lawrence P. Ray August 3, 1897

egg beater Willie Johnson February 5, 1884

electric lampbulb Lewis Latimer March 21, 1882

elevator Alexander Miles October 11, 1867

eye protector P. Johnson November 2, 1880

fire escape ladder J. W. Winters May 7, 1878

fire extinguisher T. Marshall October 26, 1872

folding bed L. C. Bailey July 18, 1899

folding chair Brody %26amp; Surgwar June 11, 1889

fountain pen W. B. Purvis January 7, 1890

furniture caster O. A. Fisher 1878

gas mask Garrett Morgan October 13, 1914

golf tee T. Grant December 12, 1899

guitar Robert F. Flemming, Jr. March 3, 1886

hair brush Lydia O. Newman November 15, 18--

hand stamp Walter B. Purvis February 27 1883

horse shoe J. Ricks March 30, 1885

ice cream scooper A. L. Cralle February 2, 1897

improv. sugar making Norbet Rillieux December 10, 1846

insect-destroyer gun A. C. Richard February 28, 1899

ironing board Sarah Boone December 30, 1887

key chain F. J. Loudin January 9, 1894

lantern Michael C. Harvey August 19, 1884

lawn mower L. A. Burr May 19, 1889

lawn sprinkler J. W. Smith May 4, 1897

lemon squeezer J. Thomas White December 8, 1893

lock W. A. Martin July 23, 18--

lubricating cup Ellijah McCoy November 15, 1895

lunch pail James Robinson 1887

mail box Paul L. Downing October 27, 1891

mop Thomas W. Stewart June 11, 1893

motor Frederick M. Jones June 27, 1939

peanut butter George Washington Carver 1896

pencil sharpener J. L. Love November 23, 1897

phone transmitter Granville T. Woods December 2, 1884

record player arm Joseph Hunger Dickenson January 8, 1819

refrigerator J. Standard June 14, 1891

riding saddles W. D. Davis October 6, 1895

rolling pin John W. Reed 1864

shampoo headrest C. O. Bailiff October 11, 1898

spark plug Edmond Berger February 2, 1839

stethoscope Imhotep Ancient Egypt

stove T. A. Carrington July 25, 1876

straightening comb Madam C. J. Walker Approx 1905

street sweeper Charles B. Brooks March 17, 1890

thermostat control Frederick M. Jones February 23, 1960

traffic light Garrett Morgan November 20, 1923

tricycle M. A. Cherry May 6, 1886

typewriter Burridge %26amp; Marshman April 7, 1885|||u go girl- i ripped my billie jeans

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|||haha, people like the author of this post turn out racist

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|||Lol. You ask for smart answers when you ask such a dumb question.

And roygbiv is so.. dumb.

As an Asian, I KNOW why I do good in school.

--%26gt;%26gt;Because I don't skip class, I pay attention in class, and I want to learn. ANYONE CAN DO THAT.

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|||what channah threw the grape in the air said is whrite . i do not say the question is whrite ,

but it is not by nations that peoples are smarter . some asians are silly and us are smart . or vice versa .

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|||Um, Japanese developed most of the technology that led to video recorders (building on Dutch inventions). Americans ARE most creative and inventive, but we often can't follow through with commercializing products, which Japanese especially have been good at doing.

There is more emphasis in Asia and among Asian-Americans for schooling especially in science and math. These are AMERICANS, not just people in Asia. Your mother seems to not know the difference.

Your mother is a small bit correct, but not entirely. The Chinese invented the use of paper, dynamite, the civil service system, and many many other things that were imported to Europe after the travels of Marco Polo.|||America has a free market. Also, our universities and colleges are very well managed for the most part. China also had a secluded kind communist government, so the concept of creating a flat world via technology (for example internet). Then, that would sever no purpose. The car was invented by a german and so was the atom bomb. It was our state of the art army and ford hat helped increase widespread use of technology.|||Capitalism and the military. 99% of all of our modern conveniences and innovations on old ideas ones can find a root in the Military and/or military support.

EDIT : Cell Phone technology was pioneered By Actress Heddy Lamar - she was viennese.鈥?/a>|||That would be "Capitalism and free markets vs feudalism and caste systems" rather than "Capaitalism and free markets vs feudalism and casts system". Kind of sickens me to see the grammar and spelling. Don't you think Americans invented all of our modern technology, not Caucasians? You know blacks and Hispanics threw in their two cents worth.

Wow did you see that list by It's quite simple really! Apparently if it weren't for black people we would all still be living in caves. But I can't really give credit for that listing of a "straightening comb" can I?|||Asians excel in our school system because unlike whites their parents don't buy into that whole self esteem BS. If you do poorly you will get punished and not get that "its okay honey at least you did your best" crap from some parents.

Not to mention they also actually discipline their kids. You get out of line and *SMACK* none of that "Time Out" or "Stand in the corner" stuff.|||That's where your wrong. Asians created paper, printing, gunpowder, the compass and numerous other inventions that shaped world history. Don't say these inventions aren't important because they are. Paper and printing led way to greater literacy among peoples which led to the development of computers. Gunpowder created modern warfare, and the compass helped travelers search and chart the world.|||Um, you might want to see what Sony has invented.

I think they invented Blu-Ray. I'm pretty sure the Asians have invented a LOT of technology. You just don't know about it. I'm certain that many of them made the initial discoveries that helped other companies develop products that capitalized on their research.

Very ignorant question, indeed.|||Oh gosh, you guys really make me mad.

Understand it is all about knowledge. Understand that they have not been divided, they have stayed in their group, speaking the same language, growing with their language.

Look at all other societies. Look at how America, stopped the slaves from escaping. It is all about the communication and the language.

They spoke the same and they were able to advance as a society!

Go ahead with the thumbs down.|||As a group none is "smarter" more intelligent than any other. The difference you see is due to financial capabilities, for instance 3000 years ago you would've said most of the great inventions come out of the middle east so they must be the smarter "race". Five thousand years ago from China, 13,000 years ago back to the middle east and so on.|||I think you need to research your facts a little better and you need to take your mom with you so she can learn too..

BTW people are people and when you separate them into small groups that's how hate begins... The brain does NOT see color or origin, it only reacts to what you put into it..|||It's not a question of smarts. There were a lot of people smarter than Edison, but because he had the freedom to pursue his own interest and sell his inventions for profit, you know of him today. Capitalism and Democracy are the reasons why.|||There is no reason to believe that Asians, as a group, are smarter than any other group.

As to why there seems to be a higher % of Asians in your gifted and talented program at school, the US does not let poor/dumb Asians into the country. Doctors and scientists yes, slumdogs, no.|||They don't. Amerikans have been dumbed down by the public miseducation system that we can't even build a car that can run right. Go to any of the major colleges, tops in almost every class are overrepresented by Asian students.|||English coal deposits spurred the industrial revolution.

The Chinese invented a steam engine centuries before Europeans, but didn't have any raw material to work with.|||taking a chance to be creative and earn some money by inventing something useful is what spurs development of new technology...its not about what race you are...|||I usually tell children to listen to mama because she knows best. But you and your mama need to go back to class and get educated!!!|||Its because they have been of late repudiating their communist systems. The IPod, IPhone, and Wii are passing us up.|||Asia is a continent...|||Well, Ms. Palin, Caucasian people didn't invent all those things. And you can't really see Russia from your house.|||Capaitalism and free markets vs feudalism and caste system|||it's quite it twice. She gave best and smartest Answer|||Deep deep down... Sarah is a racist.|||Invention is an interesting process, and, while Americans have a romanticized idea of inventors as brilliant individuals working in a vaccum, most inventions come out of broader developments. The lightbulb - the incandescent light - for instance, was theorized long before Edison turned his workshop to actually creating one. Plenty of other folks tried to make a workable incandescent bulb, Edison, by dint of sheer effort, managed to find an adequate material for the filament, first.

Most modern 'inventions' are or are based on technologies that were first concieved of back in the 1920s (or 50s, in the case of transistors). At the time, America was a leader in science and technology, the developed world wasn't much more than Europe and America, and it was still dominated by anglos. Today, not so much (on either point). Asian countries are highly developed and making plenty of discoveries %26amp; 'inventions.'

I think the point you might be looking for, though is the difference between 'intelligence' or creative genius, and simply doing well in school. To do well in school you need to be intelligent, have a good memory, aply yourself - and you need to be comfortable conforming to the standard against which you're being measured. Many Asian cultures place a high value on education, respect teachers, and have are comfortable with that sort of conformity. American culture, ironically, doesn't - it values accompishment above education, says "those who can do, those who can't teach," and celebrates the rebel, not the nerd.|||Contrary to what many people think, genetics is the primary cause of many of the gaps we see between races. I know many people want the "feel good" answer that any differences are caused by society and environmental differences and will accuse anyone that doesn't think as they do as "racist" but I will have to say this is a complete disservice to science. Blacks are not better in sports simply because they work harder at it nor do Asians thrive in academics simply because they study harder. Genetics play a vital role. There are many scientific studies done on the issue of race and intelligence.

A general consenus among scientists as published in the Wall Street Journal in 1994 titled "Mainstream Science on Intelligence" shows a consenus among scientists that average IQ are as followed in America. Blacks 85. Whites 100. East Asians 106. Further studies done and published in science journals show IQ to be overwhelmingly genetic. Minnesota Twins Study by Dr. Thomas Bouchard, the most famous twin study done, shows that identical twins separated at birth are significantly more similiar in IQ than fraternal twins raised together with a genetic correlation of .80.

Cranial size studies show published in the science journal Intelligence 1997, 25, pg 15 shows the average cranial size as followed. Blacks 1,267 cm3. Whites 1347 cm3. East Asians 1364 cm3. The link between cranial size and intelligence are strongly established in several scientific studies published in journals. "Brain Size and Cognitive Ability" in the 1996 issue of the journal Psychonomic Bulletin and Review surveyed all the published research on this topic. It included studies that used the state-of-the-art technique known as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) which gives a very good image of the human brain. There were eight of these studies with a total sample size of 381 adults. The overall correlation between IQ and brain size measured by MRI is 0.44.

A survey done among scientists in the intelligence field by Snyderman show that the majority of scientists believe that the White-Black IQ gap has a genetic basis by a 3-1 margin compared to scientists who believe the White-Black IQ gap is purely environmental.

So why are Asians smarter? More specifically Northeast Asians? The scientific theories among scientists today hold the notion that the humans that left Africa 110,000 years ago into colder climates of Europe and Northern Asia required more thought and planning to obtain food than that of Africa. And that Northern Asia had more drastic temperatures than that of Europe. It's evolution at work.

The absolute hypocrisy in all this is those who believe in evolution but yet believe human races that lived in drastically different environments for 110,000 years will have innate genetic abilities across the board that match exactly. Let's not sacrifice science for political correctness.

Every race has great inventors that produced many useful things we use today and there are too many to list. Most of them were not white. Please research things before you make assumptions.

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