Sunday, September 18, 2011

How does one define the difference between being smart and being intelligent?

Because they are definitely different. I know intelligent people who have made VERY stupid decisions, ones a smart person never would have made. Some are both, some are neither, and others are one or the other. Personally, I think intelligence is understanding things quickly and completely while smart is actually applying it once they gain understanding. I hope this makes sense, please think about it before answering.|||This is such an interesting question as I have thought about it alot.

I am "intelligent". With an IQ of 173. Thats up there with Einstien. BUT! I totally messed around in school. So although I can whiz through IQ tests and work out 'complex' issues. I never actually learnt maths. (I'd love to see my IQ results if I didn't have to squeeze my brain dry on those questions.)

About being smart. At 30, I think I have only become smart in the last few years.

I look at smart as being able identify what is a good choice dependant on my surroundings and point in life.

I have a friend who is very intelligent, but he has the 'mad professor' syndrome. Where although he is super-intelligent. You can explain to him how birds fly upside down over power stations and he will believe you. Because he is not too smart.

Thats my view. I see it as 2 totally different aspects of the thought process.


"Smart measures knowledge and intelligence measures the ability to understand abstract ideas quickly."

I agree 100%

I prefer intelligence. You can learn to be smart in time. But you can't become more intelligent.|||Yep 173.

The thing was I have done the test a few times, and it rates between 170 and 180.

The 180 is with me guessing the maths answers.

I don't feel intelligent because i don't use it.

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|||The "Intelligent" have a natural knack for concepts and are able to pick up and trends and traits and are able to act on conclusion rather fast and quickly to them...this is why they seem pretty pragmatic sometimes.

The smart however are not naturallly endowed with being that fast, but are yet able to other words, smart people build themselves, and dont get any mental breaks - they work through trial and error and can adapt outside of regimen or process.|||Well I would say intelligence is a step above being smart. I think smart means that you understand things and you have some knowledge but intelligence is going above and beyond. I would think that if you are intelligent when you learn something new you would apply that to real life so that you would be able to understand more things than just knowing that fact. I hope that makes sense.|||This is what it is:

EQ vs. IQ:

Emotional quotient versus intelligence quotient

IQ reveals a person's knowledge, while EQ reveals a person's ability on "how to" apply that knowledge.

Being self taught and having to have to grow up fast, I seem to have garnered a high level with both, and people call me fairly intelligent.

I would rather have a higher EQ because no matter what you know, like you said, you could otherwise do very stupid things. Let's face it, this is life and it's our first priority in survival.|||Intelligence comes from knowledge of the books

Smart comes from life time experience.|||Smart and intelligent are synonyms--they mean exactly the same thing, one is just a BIG word--more syllables and letters and spaces on the screen. While there are different types of intelligence EG practical versus technical (street smarts vs. book smarts) Intelligence is still intelligence. The difference has to be in your own perception|||intelligence knows the difference between facts and fiction and smart makes them look alike..for example an intelligent person know it's not taht necessary to look good whne u know taht u are already goodenough as for people who are smart they ahve to look smart even if they are not..and a smart person can go through things easily in simple shortcuts as for intelligent people they worm their way throught thinking of stargedies..did say that correctly?...anyways..i don't relaly know how to explain but i hope u get the idea of what i'm trying to say but i'm not saying smart looking person are dim and intelligent dres up ugly..consider yourself both if u know the difference between discover and it?..anyways i'm eating my brains out..i hope that helps ^ . ~|||Smart people can tie their shoes.....intelligent people get other people to do it for them.|||I think of intelligence as the ability to learn. I think of being smart as possessing a certain amount of knowledge, such as facts.|||Not sure if this helps but it is a saying that I always liked.

"A smart person learns from their mistakes, but a wise person learns from the mistakes of others."|||I know a lot of people from college who have high IQs, take honors classes in challenging fields, and don't have a shred of common sense.|||intelligent is to speed as smart is to endurance|||i always assign smart with book smart. book smart people usually means they are people-stupid. people-stupid have no common sense or social skills. intelligent seems to a have a more worldly air to it. i've been blessed with a high enough iq to learn things quickly and surpass classmates with little effort, but not so much that i don't know how to make friends and make my life better.

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