Sunday, September 18, 2011

What do you think about a girl who prefers a smart guys rather than good looking guys?

The smart guys are average in looks and she is good looking and smart.|||Same answer as all the other times you鈥檝e posted this question under the names Sweet Girl, So What, Who Me, No Name, True Love, Sweet Girl, Success Me, Success Failure, Success Failre, Jjjjs Jijjj , Success They, One Two, Success Morethan, Success Who, Be Kind, Go For It, foronlyyou, 鈥?鈥? No Name, and What Ever. Doubtless you will continue to do so.

Troll.|||k....there are two kinds of relationships. If a women is looking for a good looking guy the most probably she is looking for someone to have as a friend or date for sometime, but this relationship will not lost too much. Another case is the one you said, which means women looking at smart persons than good looking ones. This is for some lasting relationship which means she's looking at the character and the good nature of the person rather than his looks. mostly such relationships will end in marriage if the guy is the same like that always. I heard these from a girl and she said to me the following, For first case she said, "For dating i will look for how good a person looks than how good he is" and for marriage she said, "When it comes for a long time relationship, we need to look at someone who really cares for us and thinks about us which means we need to look at how good a guy is rather than how good he looks", which obviously means one thing, that is "You should be true to them". The same applies to guys too. As far as i am concerned i'm a guy and i look for a girls character and how smart she is rather than how good she looks. After all beauty is not going to lost forever right?|||Those who say girls like that dont exist are totally ignorant! My friends and I are the living examples!

Okay i must personally say i like good-looking guys but i recently fell for this guy whos just smart and avg looking , though there like handsome guys chasing after me! This applies to many of my friends too!

But of coz dont be a nerd, tthe guys we like are smart but fit(not muscualr just not fat) and full of gusto.. :)|||(i'm a girl) eric is wrong, what he said was a fact created by movies, most girls prefer brains over looks, except for the sluts, but those relationships last like, a day anyway. most of us don't want to date man whores but guys you can actually talk to.. anyway, its more about the sense of humour and how not-up-themselves they are... are you the smart guy, or the 'hot' guy?|||I think you need to stop asking the same questions under different names and accounts week after week after week after week after week after week after week after week after week after week after week after week after week. If you don't agree with the answers, maybe it is you who is wrong.|||She's probably realised that she will be a lot better off in the long run with a smart guy who will probably be able to look after her better than a thick, good looking guy. Also, the chances of him straying will be far less.|||That kind of girl is a fantasy created by nerds.|||absolutely agree with rainbow penguin and Jayne Alice|||Doesn't exist pal, unless the guy in question has a bit of cash lol.|||I would be a very lonely boy but for them

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