Thursday, September 15, 2011

How smart would a species have to be before it got human rights?

Let's say evolution took its toll on a common animal species. How smart would it have to get before it got the same rights as us?|||I think as soon as animals are able to defend their own rights, such as develop language skills, then they will be given "human rights". At the moment, its still dangerous to let most animals roam the streets freely. They would have to be able to abide by our laws too.|||If that ever happened there would most likely be a war of extermination.

But to actually address your question there is no standard as of yet. Some people think trees should have “human rights” other believe it is ok to kill people who are not of their race. It’s something you need to address for yourself.|||communication. we would only give equal rights to those who will be able to understand us and we them.|||I don't think it was have anything to do with being smart. Humans that are as dumb as a rock still have human rights. It would be based off emotions and feelings. If an animal feels and have emotions like humans do, then i'm sure that's how we would base what kind of rights they get. Since animals already do have emotions and feel similar to humans and don't have human rights, im not sure to what degree they need to be to have human rights. Mind you that they do have "animal" rights.|||yeah agree with what has been said above they would have to be able to communicate with humans but as animals cannot communicate on a conversational level with humans it is up to humans to defend their rights.

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