Sunday, September 18, 2011

How can you tell someone is smart just from a quick conversation?

Every time I have a quick conversation with someone, meaning just a brief talk about the weather, or some other such unimportant topic, they always end up saying that I'm very bright, smart, or intelligent. And sure, I get good grades in school and I don't consider myself dumb, but how can people understand all of this just from a brief meeting? Is it the words used? The way that I construct sentences? The things that I say specifically? What is it? Does anyone have any real insight on this?

Thanks.|||I've always found the most intelligent folks in a room or social situation observe, keep their opinions to themselves, and are not the most talkative, center of attention types.|||Maybe you use correct English (a rarity). You're probably alert, and respond quickly to everything they say, without hesitating or looking blankly at them. You're probably articulate and use big words. You probably "get" things they tell you without having to ask what they mean. You probably laugh at subtle jokes that might fly right over most people's heads. Maybe you refer to events, people, literature, etc. that most people don't pay attention to.

You're probably a lot smarter than you think. Good grades don't necessarily mean that much.|||Here's what you are doing that sets you apart - 1) You are attentive.

2) You ask subject appropriate questions. 3) You are not self absorbed and try to inject your opinions or talk about yourself.|||You can tell by what they laugh or smile about.|||You can't but I think people stereotyp if you have a nice speaking voice.|||They keep their opinions to themselves and refuse to discuss religion or politics.

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