Sunday, September 18, 2011

How can I be an intelligent and smart person?

I want to be intelligent and smart but I don't want to end up being a nerd. I want to still have fun, so any tips or suggestions?|||read good quality books, dont conform to what the society claims, be rebellious, always be willing to learn about other cultures, BE PATIENT (very very important) with all kinds of people. always be willing to learn, and even about stuff that may conflict with your general beliefs. have an open mind.|||Sometimes trying to be more than you already are will send you into a lifetime of misery you forget to stop and smell the roses because you have a bigger quest. How smart is smart? How intelligent is intelligent? It may be more about living a full life with what you already have than pursuing something you can't even define.|||This question implies nerds can't have fun. You failed the exam of life. -_- No, but really. Don't talk in class, hide your bad grades and show your good ones, talk with good grammar and a wide vocabulary and you can trick people into thinking your intelligent. True intelligence is rare, most of it is just an illusion. People often mistake me for some sort of genius with an IQ of 160+, but really my IQ is 115. Theres only dumb and smart, no in between. The in between is everyones IQ added and divided by two.|||Actually, the geek shall inherit the earth! ;)

There's nothing wrong with being a nerd. Look at Bill Gates. 100% nerd and one of the (if not THE) richest man on earth!

We geeks and geekettes still have lots of fun! (If you don't believe that, just watch Myth Busters! Those guys are having a blast! ... uh, pardon the pun!) :)

My answer? READ READ READ!!! (Well, that and THINK!)|||study confident ..but spend time having fun too good books but hang out with your friends as well's all about time management ..

intelligence consist in adding to your knowledge...being smart means being both correct and confident in your conversations, and the opinions that you share with other people self-esteem matters ..everybody can be smart takes diligence ..just be patient ..and have fun with what you're doing ..|||Study HARD, reach your goals in life, and don't look at others around you, do the impossible, make your own way.|||To be intelligent is to gainsay, and to be smart is to do everything for money!|||your not a nerd just because you intelligent ! lol

and anyway who cares what other people think, if you wanna work hard and be succseful go for it !|||Do good in school but don't let your friends know that you are the one setting the curve on the tests.|||The fact that you asked this question deduces that it is not possible.

Best regards,

Dezmonic and the Love Doctor.

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